You want to

save the world.

We want to

help you do it.

The Dovecote Institute has created what is measurably the most accurate model of life satisfaction in history, using almost 20 years of data on over 5,000 variables from sources such as the World Bank, World Health Organization (WHO), Varieties of Democracy, and many more. Now, with this more powerful, more objective, and more actionable compass, we want to help the world steer in a better direction for all of us.

Read more about our groundbreaking research here.

What can we do for you?

We provide consulting to organizations who don’t just want to change the world — but who want to improve the world. Whether you have a clear vision for a project, or just want to explore the possibilities, please reach out — we’d love to talk.


The 5th of July is Nomination Day!

On the 5th of July, the Dovecote Institute and its partners will announce a new American event — Nomination day. On the 4th of July, we celebrate our independence. On the 5th, we begin the work that our freedom has won us — governing ourselves, with the best people our country has to offer. Please join us, by nominating a candidate, sharing with your network, becoming a partner, or learning more. And Happy Nomination Day!

Congresswoman Norton pushes for an American life satisfaction survey

After advocacy from the Dovecote Institute, Congresswomen Eleanor Holmes Norton (DC) has officially filed an appropriations request asking the Census to collect data on life satisfaction in the United States. If successful, this would be a phenomenal and historic step towards truly understanding the consequences and opportunities of national policy. The Dovecote Institute thanks the Congresswomen for her leadership on this transformational issue. Read more here


Our work rests on a deep understanding of the true causes behind a satisfied life. We also know that research is just the beginning. Through legislation, partnerships, consulting, media, advocacy and more we work to bring our findings into the world. See what we’ve been up to, below — and think about the project that you want to add to the list.